Developing : Simon game
Gala and I are working on a Simon game.
Simon plays a growing sequence of buttons that the player repeats.
I'm working on the code, and she's working on the graphics.
This is going to be the best game of the year.
led in a cork
Made from cola cork, led, and 10 cents.
Sent from my mobile phone
take a picture of your room , define the corners as X Y and Z coordinates , define what is 1 meter-long, and the software completes the rest of the lengths and sizes!!
and then, in our website, you can clear your room from furniture, and decorate it with our libraries!
we're working on it..
no publisheable sketches yet.
patent pending.
baby-plant sunshader
She came up with an idea of keeping it from too much sunlight, using a little umbrella.
We grooved notches in an old plastic-cup, and place it on the plant!
It's held tight to the earth, and gives just the right amount of sunlight.
Sent from my mobile phone
i came up with an idea for an internet-based solution for "voting" for food.
It's a large piano-keys carpet, put in the street. When people walk on it and step on the keys, they actually close switches. The switches close a selective circuit, that sends resistance values to the arduino. The arduino manipulates the resistance values to correlated bytes. Bytes are sent via serial port to a C# program, that reads the byte and sounds the relative *.wav file.
It is meant to be friendly and nice - for people who walk on it in the street on a friday. One who really likes the experience - can have a video/picture of him sent to his cellphone via bluetooth.
To sum up:
person's foot ==> carpet switches ==> resistor array ==> arduino ==> PC ==> loudspeakers ==> happiness.
/* 16/09/08 00:22:07
* pianoDuino
* This is the Arduino code for the pianoDuino
* Idea is to put a carpet in the street that when peoeple walk on - plays a note.
* Build from an arrray of transistors - every time one is used
* The arduino reads the resistor and understands which resistor is used - by ranges.
* every resistor generates a different serial message, which is sent to the PC.
* 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 will tell a C# program to play notes (*.wavs)
* 0 is silence - therefore it is the default serial message.
* 4nur nachman eytan
* http://nurne.blogspot.com
* nurnur@Gmail.com*/
int inputPin = 0; // input pin for the resistors array
int val = 0; // resistor values
byte valToPc = 0; // byte sent to the PC
int boundOne = 0; // first bound range
int boundTwo = 256; // second bound range
int boundThree = 512; // third bound range
int boundFour = 768; // fourth bound range
int boundFive = 1023; // fifth bound range
int threshLow = 10; // bottom threshold
int threshHigh = 1010; // top threshhold
void setup()
beginSerial(9600); // begin serial communication at 9600 baud
void loop()
val = analogRead(inputPin); // read the value from resistors array
if ( val > threshLow && val < threshHigh ) // if resistor is in test range
if ( val <= boundFive && val >= boundFour) // if resistor is in 5-4 range
valToPc = 1; // msg to pc 1
serial.Println(valToPc); // send it on serial
delay(100) // wait, to avoid overload
if ( val <= boundFour && val >= boundThree) // if resistor is in 4-3 range
valToPc = 2; // msg to pc 2
serial.Println(valToPc); // send it on serial
delay(100) // wait, to avoid overload
if ( val <= boundThree && val >= boundTwo) // if resistor is in 3-2 range
valToPc = 3; // msg to pc 3
serial.Println(valToPc); // send it on serial
delay(100) // wait, to avoid overload
if ( val <= boundTwo && val >= boundOne) // if resistor is in 2-1 range
valToPc = 4; // msg to pc 4
serial.Println(valToPc); // send it on serial
delay(100) // wait, to avoid overload
valToPc = 0; // msg pc - o - back to silence
serial.Println(valToPc); // send it on serial
delay(100) // wait, to avoid overload
cool status bars
it's actually just a cut-out of a figure, with a status-bar running inside it!
no sketches, but can anybody think of a way for making these?
click away
other students look at you with the stink-eye for clicking too strong and fast during lectures?
i thought of special surface that is placed on the pc-keyboard and stops the click sounds.
no skteches yet..
2 mice action!
2 hands,
2 hemispheres,
but only 1 pc-mouse.
that doesn't add up!
maybe mainly graphic software users can find it useful to use 2 pc-mice!!
maybe with a special driver..
cellphone PC mouse
why not use your camera-phone as the optical-sensor, and the * and # keys as right and left buttons?
a cellphone applet takes frequent pictures of the surface, understands what directions was the phone moved, and sends the outcome to the PC, which reacts with a little driver or software!
someone tried it, but he closed the source, and didn't update it for a long while..
no sketches yet..
The Real Incredible Machine
Devices are mouse-wheel-powered engines, cog-wheels and such..
my idea is to make a REAL version of that game: real devices (without mice,though..), with mission-cards, all arranged on a special playground that holds it together..
no sketches yet.
Mizi Sroch
i thuoght of a microswitch system and solenoid that would play with her when i'm occupied.
everytime the string is pulled, the microswitch is closed, and the solenoid makes the string jump!
no sketches yet..
NewMsg LED
my solution for that, is a LED pin that lights up when u get a new message to your cellphone..
it needs a BlueTooth interface, and a dedicated cellphone applet..
LEDs are very beautiful as clothes-pins. It is like a small jewel! in addition, LEDs have integrated pins!
this is beautiful - http://ignaciopilotto.wordpress.com/2008/09/03/swarovski-led-sutil-energies/
no graphic sketch or prototype yet...
Strap pc-keyboard
this guy explains how..
Arcade around your Room!
tetris, space invaders, and such...
not graphic sketch or prototype yet..
Grapefruit protector
i came up with an idea : a trasparent plastic shield that is put above the grapefruit.
there is space for the hands, and the eyes are kept secure!
no graphic sketch or prototype yet...
DIY Office Supply Games
And if somebody would research playing during work - I'm sure he finds that it improves work.
- pen 22-Gun: chew paper and spit it through an empty pen pipe.
- Jumping Mozart: two jumbo paper clips (those black triangles with 2 handles) - one clipping the second, with a rubber band around. push it down and think why it's named after Wolfgang Amadeus..
- Hack-a-chat: choose a bored victim from the office ; run cmd.exe ; write command " net send [IP NUMBER] [MESSAGE] " ; a message box pops up on victim's screen. you may find the command useful for chat. (example command: net send hello how are you?)
- 10-J Submarines: design frames around 10x10 boxly-minimized cells in excel. Assign a letter from A-J to each row and a number from 1-10 to each of the columns. Copy and paste that table again a few cells down. save. email to a bored companion. the Top table is the player's (*top secret*) submarine map, and the Bottom table shows the attempts to strike the enemy's submarines. Each player places his submarines on his top table - by setting the cell's background to a color (yellow is good). Each player's Battalion is composed of: 6 cells long Nuclear mega-submarine ; 5 cells Electronic-Intelligence sub ; 4 cells Torpedo launching sub ; 3 cells tech-Crew sub ; 2 x 2 cells Commanders' subs. [it just means that you mark the number of cells]. submarines can be placed horizontally or vertically.Email (or pop-up hehe) the enemy your bombing location, in the form of "F3" and "C7".. the enemy then replies: "Hit" or "Miss" and sends his bomb. (If Hit - mark X in bombed cell. If Miss - write O.) Mark X where the enemy hit you. The game ends when a player's battalion is sunken.
- Clip-Necklace: find a pack of paper clips, and try to enchain them one to the other in the shortest time.
- White Wedding: punch a lot of holes in an old piece of paper. take out all the paper rings and sprinkle on your favorite colleague!
- Xerox Peacock: make 10 Xerox-copies of a nice composition of rubber bands and pencils. staple the copies one on the other with a little offset (like a hand-held paper fan) - and you have a female-attracting tail! color it for extra attractiveness!
- Mr. Rubber Head: take a rubber eraser, stick paper clips as limbs, and bent staples and such as face- expressions!!
- Laugh Table: Print a table with names of the funny people who work with you. Every time somebody says something funny - give him a point! First funny to get 5 points get a prize!
I hope you like the small list of ideas above!
Don't get the Sick Office Syndrome! :]
sleeping @ base?
I do. In extra-short notice!
I came up with a way to cut the use in plastic bags as soap-bottle-guards.
Stack 'em up, one on the other, separated with knots!
It's good for you,
Good for the country,
And good for the environment.
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the dog-poo catcher (ver 0.0.1)
by mistake, i came up with a nice trap mechanism, that can catch a Majorette toy-car in a split second, on a hard flat surface.
i now want to develop it to a level of catching dog-poo on a sidewalk, and being environmentally friendly.
behold the 0.0.1 version
[sorry. video erased !] thanks bonfil
oh.. and i got an eeepc!!!
it's super tiny fun!!
with the help of "moshe" WLAN i get connected to the internet very well-ly
i still didn't get used to linux, i don't know neither any commands nor how to install softwar :'/
Bluetooth s60 Python Blackjack on SF.net
Project Information:
Project Descriptive Name: Bluetooth s60 Python Blackjack
Project Unix Name: btpys60bjack
CVS Server: btpys60bjack.cvs.sourceforge
Shell Server: shell.sourceforge.net
Web Server: btpys60bjack.sourceforge.net
btpys60bjack is a blackjack game. simple. developed in Python. for Nokia Series60 smartphones. gathers players via Bluetooth. players invite neighbours with an sms to download software. Open-source, free, friendly, intuitive. join me in developing?
did i go nuts?
but i think it's good to share
and it's digital, so it's not legally valid...
i took it one time i got crazy
in the storage i used to keep.
it's all made in one shot,
and edited with my cellphone's video editor (nokia 6120 classic).
i added some sounds in the end that didn't mix well,
but i hope the story gets by!
Adams theremin!
edi-pple ring
forbidden pizza, forbidden apple pie
CD case amplifier
White Throne
PAKAL Photographer
this is not a singer!
HHH: harasing headphone holder
Sent from my mobile phone
Water me man on MAKEzine.com!!!
that made me really happy - to see my "Low-Tech Plant Watering Indicator" on the Make homepage.. i used my cellphone's internet browser from my Army-Training camp and showed all my friends there!!
the post on Makezine.com brought a lot of people to see my blog. it jumped to more that 1200 visits (from 2 a day, which are apparently me :)
in addition, i got a lot of comments and recommendations on my blog post!
in two additional websites there is a mention to my Plant Watering Indicator:
a Gerdeners' portal: "fun for a techie person!! :)"
and a Marijuana-Growers' portal: "the person that made it actually used his head!"

Water me, Man!!!
which is a man-figure made out of wire and componants,
that has it's feet in a plants' soil, and it's head glows when the plant needs water.
the idea is to make a plant-watering-indicator that costs very little money..
this one consists of +- 5 components : a battery, 2 resistors, 1 transistor, an LED, and wires..
which means MAX MAX MAX of 1.5$. (if every components is 1 shekel..)
it works on simplified TTL NOT gate:
\\\ if 'moisture' (current between probes) < 'threshold' (set by resistors' values)
\\\ then LED=glow.
the sketches + schematics!:
the alien in position:
i will build it again, with a new battery (this one is already finished from all the games..), and capsulate it in an transparent capsule - open-source proper. then it really will look more HUMAN.
4017 LED chaser

in the beginning i used the 4093 astable , but it didn't work properly..
so after some trial and error, i succeeded!
i gave up the 4093 astable, and only used the 4017, with it's "reset", "clock" and "enable" wires free of contacts!
a video

it cost me about 160 shekels (40$ US +-)
and with these i can finally build most of the things i want to..
although i like scavenging old components, and re-use them, it's not so easy.
it does not mean that my ideas works and products become ungreen, or more polluting, because the main idea is technology for the people, without ruining the planet.
all open source. all DIY. all cheap. all free. all commentable. all self-taught. all community-based.
when the value packs arrive, i can MAKE SUSTAINABLE.
i wanna make a "water me man"
a lit LED means "water me!!!"
the moisture-sensoring can be detected with 2-prods' resistence measurement and:
if Resistance>(preset value) then lit LED.
with the arduino i think it's pretty easy... but what i want to build is a simple enough electronics - that it can be very cheap
chip? naa... it's a very simple circuit.. i saw it on RadioShack's Electronics booklet BenBonfil gave me - it's just that i didn't buy any futurelec goodie-bags yet!!! waiting for the salary i guess..
Meine Tomaten!!!!
all of them died because of aphids(?)..
but a few weeks ago suddenly a MASSIVE TOMATO sprouted !!
so - evolutionwise - it's the strongest, fastest, bestest, smartest of all seeds that happened to get to the ground!!
i dream of the day in which i will taste the fruit!!!
picture by Gala Dolezal (C)
i woke up.. and had A THIRD HAND!!!
X-max Tree Paper Clip
Added character to my new food&inventions log
USB Coffe-Warmer for Tula
I made a USB Coffee Warmer for my mother
1. a Peltier unit that i extracted from a mini-fridge that i found
2. a USB Cable
3. a metal can of Kalfany Coffee bonbons
the idea was to make my mother a coffee-cup warmer that she can plug into USB while working!
I used the help of this instructable : http://www.instructables.com/id/5-Mini-USB-Fridge!/
~~update: Finished!!!~~
after buying the Kalfany coffee bonbons metal box i longed for - and eating the bonbons as much as my fellow eaters could - i could combine the components!
pretty simple..: the paltier is hot glued onto the lid , and the USB cable - soldered to it - outing through a hole in the tin's-base.
i hope the hot glue doesn't melt.. probably not - because it doesn't reach too hot a temperature..
and for now this is the problem - how do i take the 5V from the USB and make it a 12V that the peltier unit loves so much? any ideas?...
X-mas decorations
her mother was abroad, so i took charge of celebrating christmas!
it's made from ping-pong balls and the balls from the Kinder Surprise toy i had at home
sprayed with silver spray-paint.
through a hole in the ball - i tied a nice christmas festive red&silver thread.
on some of the lucky decorations i added a silver christmas bell!!
merry christmas!!